
Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I must say this has been quite the summer! Yesterday JJ and I went hiking with her dad and Jack. We just went to a local hiking spot. It rained the entire time! It was great! We didn't get any pictures since we didn't really want to stop. But we did find a slightly sheltered spot under some trees to have lunch. PB&J! On the way back to the car it rained harder. We got down in 20 minutes! The ground was muddy and slippery by then and JJ and I had to run most of the way.

Last week during tutoring Aaron and I baked up a storm (and did some math) and this Thursday we are going to make truffles (chocolate, not mushrooms)! I was there for a couple of hours. When Sean (spelled it wrong before, oops) got home he said I could stay for dinner. I called Mother and she said it was okay. We had spaghetti. It was so good! Aaron can make everything taste a thousand times better. I asked him how he learned to cook so well, but he said he wasn't sure. He just can. He still doesn't talk a whole lot, so Sean and I did all the talking at dinner. After eating we took Remy for a walk to my house. Coco was mad when she saw me with another dog, but I gave her a treat and she was all better.

Karate has been nice now that I don't see Alex. Is it weird that I kind of miss the drama? Oh, well, I'm sure once school starts again there will be plenty of new drama. If you get a chance, please check out my friends store blog: The Crazy Doll Ladies Store. They always have a ton of cute things.


  1. Salut, Emily!
    Your hiking trip sounded like it was fun. I like getting caught in the rain (sometimes).
    Yes, chocolate truffles are definitely better than the mushroom kind. Your math tutoring sounds fun. :)

  2. Yay for hiking - too bad your weather didn't cooperate! Guess it's an adventure, then, right?

    Tutoring sounds way more fun than the usual math. ;-)

    School will probably bring drama. But maybe you and Alex will be friends someday. We can hope, at least.

    The Green Girls

  3. Sounds like the hike was fun but wet .. we have taken many of those kinds of hikes around our area too .. lol .. glad you all had fun ..

    I agree the math tutoring is a fun way to learn math .. you seem to have tons of interesting things happen there ..

    Glad you are out of the class with Alex .. that would make it so much better for you ..

